
Joubel, a company co-founded by the open source companies Amendor AS and Cerpus AS, is currently the driving force behind H5P and it is a generous offering to digital education community. Locally it is available to all staff of UNE’s moodle install.


The H5P activity module enables you to create interactive content such as Interactive Videos, Question Sets, Drag and Drop Questions, Multi-Choice Questions, Presentations and much more.

In addition to being an authoring tool for rich content, H5P enables you to import and export H5P files for effective reuse and sharing of content.

User interactions and scores are tracked using xAPI and are available through the Moodle Gradebook. Note that it is currently possible for people with programming skills to cheat in H5P interactions and obtain the full score without knowing the correct answers. H5Ps must not be used for exams or similar.

Where is it in moodle?

You can choose H5P from the Add an activity or resource window [pictured].

The Adding a new H5P page opens. Then it’s less intuitive step after giving a title to your module, you need to look for this link below to add new H5P interactive content:

Use the content bank (opens in new window) to manage your H5P files

It is also available in the extended text editor.  I’m not going to do a deep dive into an explanation of how this sophisticated tool set works. Suffice to say — some tools author better than others. Please refer to Teaching Online @ UNE for more examples and instructions.

Pros and Cons

H5P is powerful, and works in your browser, but that combination is always tricky. The more heavy lifting a web browser does, the more you tend to wait, and the more precariously you can lose work — so save regularly.

Example — Build an insect

Below is an example of an interactive book that has 5 drag and drop activities encapsulated in it. The first two are draggable images, and the rest are text labels. To be honest, it took a while to create this, but works well (except for a scoring bug which I’m currently following up giving -2 points for incorrect answers). This is currently hosted on

Wow 46 tools!

The H5P interactive options UNE currently offers as of writing this post is a prodigious list as follows and may whet your appetite to do further investigation (I wish I had time to try them all): 

  1. Interactive Video — Create videos enriched with interactions
  2. Course Presentation — Create a presentation with interactive slides
  3. Multiple Choice — Create flexible multiple choice questions
  4. Quiz (Question Set) — Create a sequence of various question types
  5. Fill in the Blanks — DetailsCreate a task with missing words in a text
  6. Drag the Words — Create text-based drag and drop tasks
  7. Column — Organize H5P content into a column layout
  8. Drag and Drop — Create drag and drop tasks with images
  9. Image Hotspots — Create an image with multiple info hotspots
  10. Accordion — Create vertically stacked expandable items
  11. Dialog Cards — DetailsCreate text-based turning cards
  12. Single Choice Set — Create questions with one correct answer
  13. Memory Game — Create the classic image pairing game
  14. Flashcards — Create stylish and modern flashcards
  15. Documentation Tool — DetailsCreate a form wizard with text export
  16. True/False Question — Create True/False questions
  17. Mark the Words — Create a task where users highlight words
  18. Image Slider — Easily create an Image Slider
  19. Iframe Embedder — Embed from a url or a set of files
  20. Audio — Upload an audio recording
  21. Essay — Create Essay with instant feedback
  22. Arithmetic Quiz — Create time-based arithmetic quizzes
  23. Timeline — Create a timeline of events with multimedia
  24. Speak the Words Set — Create a series of questions answered by speech (Chrome only)
  25. Find Multiple Hotspots — Create many hotspots for users to find
  26. Speak the Words — Answer a question using your voice (Chrome only)
  27. Find the Hotspot — Create image hotspots for users to find
  28. Image Sequencing — Place images in the correct order
  29. Find the words — Grid word search game
  30. Image Juxtaposition — Create interactive images
  31. Summary — Create tasks with a list of statements
  32. Image Pairing — Drag and drop image matching game
  33. Audio Recorder — Create an audio recording
  34. Agamotto (Image Blender) — Present a sequence of images and explanations
  35. Dictation — Create a dictation with instant feedback
  36. Guess the Answer — Create an image with a question and answer
  37. Collage — Create a collage of multiple images
  38. Branching Scenario — Create dilemmas and self paced learning
  39. Personality Quiz — Create personality quizzes
  40. Virtual Tour (360) — Create 360 environments with interactions
  41. Chart — Quickly generate bar and pie charts
  42. Interactive Book — Create small courses, books and tests
  43. KewAr Code — Create QR codes for different purposes
  44. for Chat and Talk
  45. Board game
  46. Twitter User Feed 

Phew got there.