2011, Volume 14, Paper 91
From Grape Grower and Winemaker to Wine Tourism Operator: An Interview with Shaun Cassidy of Merilba Estate Wines, Kingstown.
Bligh Grant – School of Business, Economics and Public Policy, University of New England
Shaun Cassidy is Managing Director of Merilba Estate wines and the Chair of the New England Australia Branding Strategy Committee. Mr Cassidy participated in a Wine Business Research Symposium convened by the School of Business, Economics and Public Policy, University of New England on 13 August 2010. We asked Shaun to provide his perspective on the wine industry in New England, in particular his experience in developing his business from grape growing and winemaking to investing in a cellar door facility, the development of the New England Australia wine region as a wine tourism destination and the branding and marketing strategy which was launched 26 October 2010. We also asked Shaun to discuss what he viewed to be the opportunities and challenges to the wine industry in New England, including the integration of wine and food branding, transportation issues and the potential for developing suitable tertiary education for young employees in the industry.
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