2018, Volume 21, Paper 18
ISSN: 2209-6612
Improving Vanuatu’s Cocoa Export Value Chain
Léa Eloi – Postgraduate student, Centre for Global Food and Resources, University of Adelaide, Adelaide.
The global cocoa and chocolate market continues to grow steadily, and while there are current challenges in major supplying countries, these also create an opportunity for smaller producing countries to capture market shares and better develop their cocoa industries. Vanuatu is among the largest cocoa producing countries in the Asia-Pacific area, so promoting and developing the cocoa value chain of this country may be a path to accessing high-end markets and further developing the industry. In this study, a market analysis and a mapping of Vanuatu’s cocoa value chain is done, then comes a performance assessment which enables an analysis of the major constraints and recommendations for future development. The results show major constraints in infrastructure, production and transportation methods, as well as regulatory and certification limitations. Finally, this study recommends that the promotion of this value chain should not only include financing, training and infrastructure development aspects but should also raise awareness on every level of the value chain. Showing the rationale and potential benefits from value chain promotion is important to gain producers’ involvement as well as enabling market access and customer awareness.
Key words: Cocoa, Value Chain, Vanuatu, Agribusiness, Exports
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