2018, Volume 21, Paper 5
ISSN: 1442-6951
Australian Table Grape Exports to Japan – A Value Chain Perspective
Yuka Mitoma – Postgraduate student, Centre for Global Food and Resources, University of Adelaide.
An analysis is conducted for the Australian table grapes value chain to determine the chain’s performance. The focus is on exports to the Japanese market, which has been open for Australian table grapes since 2014. Even though very recent, Australian table grape exports to Japan have expanded substantially and are predicted to become an important component of Australian table grape exports. Examining the value chain will help to expand table grape exports, promote its production and consequently contribute to the horticultural industry’s growth. The major constraint to the chain’s performance is concluded to be a lack of information-sharing networks. Some potential interventions are suggested, but further analysis will be required by gathering all information related to the chain, which is currently difficult to access.
Key words: Value chain, table grapes, Japan, chain integration.
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