2015, Volume 18, Paper 107
ISSN: 1442-6951
Assessment of the Citrus Value Chain in Bhutan: A Review
Sonam Gyeltshen – Renewable Natural Resources Research and Development Centre, Department of Agriculture, Ministry of Agriculture and Forests, Wengkhar, Mongar, Bhutan. Email: sonamg@student.unimelb.edu.au/sgyeltshen2013@gmail.com
Garry Griffith – Principal Fellow, Faculty of Veterinary and Agricultural Sciences, University of Melbourne, Parkville, VIC, Australia. Email: ggriffith@unimelb.edu.au
Lhap Dorji – Program Director, Renewable Natural Resources Research and Development Centre, Department of Agriculture, Ministry of Agriculture and Forests, Wengkhar, Mongar, Bhutan. Email: lhapdorji@moaf.gov.bt
Lakey – Coordinator, National Citrus Programme, Horticulture Division, Department of Agriculture, Ministry of Agriculture and Forests, Thimphu, Bhutan. Email: lakeyw@gmail.com
The main aim of this paper was to review existing literature on the citrus value chain in Bhutan, identify the current constraints in the value chain and propose strategic interventions for sustainable growth of the value chain.
Bhutan’s developmental philosophy is guided by Gross National Happiness. Thus, the Ministry of Agriculture and Forests has always accorded a high priority to agricultural development. The existing literature on the citrus value chain suggests that Bhutanese mandarin has a comparative advantage in terms of seasonality, clean environment and unique taste in the export market.
However, the citrus value chain in Bhutan lacks some of the logistic and cross-functional drivers necessary to ensure high performance. Establishing a value chain forum, strengthening the linkage, increasing the quality and volume of production, positioning the brand image, creating awareness and capacity development, establishing/strengthening the input market, and strengthening the market information system would be valuable interventions to upgrade the citrus value chain in Bhutan.
Keywords: Bhutan, Citrus, Value Chain, Gross National Happiness, Kingdom.
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