2011, Volume 14, Paper 90
State Government Assistance to the Local Wine Industry: New England Australia 2000 to 2010
Stuart Mounter – School of Business, Economics and Public Policy, University of New England. Email: smounte2@une.edu.au
Peter Sniekers – Business Development Manager, New England region, State & Regional Development and Tourism Division, Industry & Investment NSW, Armidale
The New England-North West region of NSW boasts a cluster of features which point to the opportunity of the development of a successful premium wine industry in the region. This has been recognised by State Government, which has assisted the facilitation of industry value-adding and expansion in the region throughout the past decade. The industry has developed to a point where it is now pursuing a regional branding and marketing strategy for that portion of the region, “New England Australia”, which recently gained Geographical Indicator (GI) status in 2008. The State Government will continue to provide catalytic and supportive industry development assistance to the industry. It welcomes the examination by the University of New England and associated research organisations into ways in which they can interact with the industry through research, with the goal of providing further impetus to regional wine industry development activity.
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