2003, Volume 6, Paper 58
ISSN: 2209-6612

Pathways to Profitability for Small and Medium Wineries

David Trebeck – ACIL Consulting, Managing Director

In this speech I will outline some of the findings of ACIL’s recent review of small and medium wineries, which has just been launched by the Minister. In doing so, I will try to avoid the topics of later papers today — especially financial performance and supply issues — although both came across our radar screen in the course of ACIL’s work.
The focus of the review, which fulfilled a pre-election commitment by the Government, was to identify ways to enhance the profitability of small and medium wineries, with particular reference to tourism and exports. I quickly discovered, however, that it is not possible to do this without understanding wider issues affecting smaller wineries, issues affecting the Australian wine industry more broadly, and indeed the global wine industry as well.

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