CISO Corner

From Storage to Explosion – Boobytrapped USBs

In today’s day and age, caution surrounding USB devices is becoming more and more prevalent. This is due to the dangers of what could be stored on the device. USB devices are extremely cheap, portable, and popular among cybercriminals. Attackers use USB devices to...

A graphical image of a usb with a skull and bones.

The Hidden Risks of ChatGPT and AI

ChatGPT is a natural language processing tool driven by AI technology that allows you to have human-like conversations and much more with a chatbot. The language model can answer questions, and assist you with tasks such as composing emails, essays, and code. This...

A graphical image of a chat bot on a mobile device.

Cyber Safety for Children

With school holidays well underway, kids are spending more time online gaming, talking with friends, and posting on social media. It is an excellent time for parents and carers to teach or remind their children of cyber security behaviours. Remind them to take a...

Image of a child playing video games

Twitter – Data Breach and Security Concerns

What Has Happened? In August, Twitter came forward and admitted a vulnerability had been exploited by a third party to obtain user data. This vulnerability had been present since June 2021 and was only patched in January 2022. Twitter confirmed the attack after...

A mobile phone with the "Welcome to Twitter" home page on it