Thanks to UNE I was able to attend the GrowAg summit to experience 100 of the most innovative and motivated young minds in Agriculture. The three days showcased not only the current possibilities but reached further in time to explore what could be on the brink of the next disruptor to Australian and international agriculture.

The range of delegates I was able to mingle and brainstorm with was fantastic, gaining insight on how to start my own start-up company in Ag to what the next big thing is on the horizon. The breakout sessions held throughout the session showed me that Australian agriculture is no longer a cocky in a straw hat and that the perception is changing! The people in the room were a mix of culture, gender, occupation and geographical location. From the Kimberly to Tasmania, New Zealand and over the back fence the technology and innovation in operations within and in aiding business is happening right now, and it is how we are accessing and utilising data to make real time decisions that is going to make us more sustainable and at the end of the day profitable into the future.

Kirsty-McCormackKirsty McCormack is a Sales and Production Executive at OBE Organic.

She started the role in November 2015 after finishing her Bachelor of Rural Science degree at UNE. Most recently, Kirsty was named 2017 NAB Agribusiness Rising Beef Industry Champion.