Thursday 28 July brought UNE Business School’s official launch of the Centre for Agribusiness.

A crowd of over 100 guests came to celebrate the launch of the Centre, as well as the great work of UNE’s IFAMA student team.
The School was pleased to host over 100 guests, including agribusiness industry professionals and members of university staff from UNE Business School, School of Environmental and Rural Science and School of Science and Technology.
The launch, held at the White Bull Hotel, was also an event to thank the sponsors of UNE’s 2016 UNE student Agribusiness Case Study Competition team. The team recently returned from Denmark where they were able to participate in the International Food and Agribusiness Management Association (IFAMA) Competition.
This level of international representation and collaboration for UNE in the agribusiness sector sets the tone for the newly-launched Centre for Agribusiness.
The Centre will play a key role in the collaboration of UNE’s research centres, building partnerships between key industry stakeholders, our academic staff, our students and the wider agribusiness community.
Professor Alison Sheridan
Head of School
UNE Business School
The Centre begins with a focus on several on-going projects.
Centre Director Professor Derek Baker sees the Centre’s Project Pipeline as a key mechanism for collaboration amongst these partners.
“The Centre for Agribusiness offers bold, creative and sustainable solutions to big questions of food industry performance, global food security and best management practice. By connecting people, research, industries, and government, the Centre will supply the tools and support to imagine, create, share and commercialise a broad range of ideas. This will help steer New England and Australian agribusiness into a strong future.”
Professor Derek Baker
Centre for Agribusiness
UNE Business School
Further information can be found on the Centre for Agribusiness page, including opportunities to connect via the mailing list and the Project Pipeline.
Connect with us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

IFAMA 2016 Case Study Competition participant Sarah Rohr and student Christina Stannard celebrate the hard work of the IFAMA team.

Professor Alison Sheridan, Head of UNE Business School & Professor David Lamb for UNE SMART Farm.