by Alana | Apr 29, 2020 | General News, News, Resources
Self-care and keeping healthy, both physically and mentally, is super important right now. SportUNE has put together a Wellness Hub to create a place which can offer support and inspiration to keep you active and well ! They will be collaborating with...
by Alana | Apr 29, 2020 | General News, News, Opportunities and Events, Resources
Looking for a creative way to express yourself? If you’re looking for some inspiration and a place to share your creative and mindful activities – we want to connect! Creative New England is a central hub where you can get involved in creative competitions...
by Alana | Apr 28, 2020 | News
The Australian Department of Health has released a new app called COVIDSafe. The purpose of the app is to identify close contacts of COVID-19. The app helps state and territory health officials to quickly contact people who may have been exposed to COVID-19. It speeds...
by Amy | Apr 28, 2020 | Latest News, News
Are you ready for your online exam? There are a few things you need to organise now to ensure you have a trouble-free exam. You will need: a webcam a computer and reliable internet connection a private space a mirror (if you have an internal webcam, to show the...
by Alana | Apr 24, 2020 | Latest News, News
I spent the week based in my new alternate office in the Dixson Library with all sorts of people dropping in to say hi; clearly the Easter break and contingent respite has worked wonders! I have also spent the week wrestling with what I now understand to be...
by Alana | Apr 23, 2020 | General News, Latest News, News, Resources
If you are currently enrolled in a Trimester 1 unit and need to utilize the changed COVID-19 extension options, it is now quicker and easier to do so! You can now find the extension form and general COVID-19 information through the big red box on the side of your...
by Alana | Apr 23, 2020 | General News, News
This weekend, the IT Service desk operating hours will be as follows: 25th April: ANZAC Day 1:00pm – 5:00pm 26th April: 9:00am – 5:00pm (normal weekend hours) You can reach the IT Service Desk team by phone, email or self-service: Phone: +61 2 6773...
by Alana | Apr 22, 2020 | General News, Opportunities and Events, Resources
What you are doing in 2021? You probably don’t want to think about 2021, but if you are in your final year of study at UNE, you need too. This year is already flying by… so to help you start preparing, our Careers Counselling Coordinator, Julia, has put together all...
by Amy | Apr 20, 2020 | Latest News, News
On advice from the the University Academic Board Standing Committee and Senior Executive, the Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Innovation) has approved temporary additions to policies and procedures that specifically address the disruption we have faced as a result of...
by Alana | Apr 17, 2020 | Latest News, News
With the stimulus of amazing autumn weather across the long weekend it was great to open the windows, shake out the gremlins and attack a host of chores – basically anything that did not require Zoom! Whilst we might all bemoan the requirement to shelter in a...
by Amy | Apr 16, 2020 | News, Resources
Do you have a documented condition that is impacting your studies? Are you managing carer responsibilities alongside your units? Do you live in a remote location or struggle with sufficient internet access for your course? If any of these sound like you, or you feel...
by Alana | Apr 15, 2020 | General News, News
Due to the impacts that COVID-19 has caused for students, the university is waiving the cost of parking permits for 2020. If you have already purchased a 2020 parking permit, you have 3 options available to you: A full refund Defer your payment to 2021 Donate the...
by Alana | Apr 13, 2020 | General News, Resources
Peer led study groups provide opportunity for student to meet up with a senior student each week to discuss content and requirements of their units. You are able to ask questions, discuss concepts, get help with difficult topics, work through examples, review notes,...
by Alana | Apr 10, 2020 | News, Resources
Are you a full time student or new to the workforce? Now that many of us are a spending a lot more time at home, it’s a perfect time to work on your employability and career development. The Careers Toolkit is a program useful for any age or year of study, from...
by Amy | Apr 9, 2020 | News
We’re nearly half way through April and the Easter Long Weekend is now upon us. The UNE closure period will run from Friday 10th April through Monday 13th April (inclusive), with essential teams returning Tuesday 14th April. Over the weekend you can find all key...