by Alana | Jun 15, 2020 | General News, Latest News, News, Opportunities and Events
We are launching our Trimester 2 Online Orientation LIVE sessions, starting tonight at 7:30pm (AEST)! Live sessions will continue throughout the week, from Monday June 15th to Thursday June 18th, so please check out the full Orientation schedule and note the key dates...
by Alana | Jun 15, 2020 | General News, Latest News, News
Dear Students, Please be advised that we are currently experiencing issues with Office365. This is preventing users from accessing all Office365 applications. Using Outlook on your computer is not affected. We are working to resolve the issue and will advise once...
by Alana | Jun 12, 2020 | General News, News
A week of mixed sentiments; a Queen’s birthday worth celebrating even when one might declare as a republican, watchful acknowledgement of the important global dialogue around Black Lives Matter, and engagement with the practicalities of opening the gates as Australia...
by Alana | Jun 11, 2020 | General News, Latest News, News
UNE students are currently receiving a scam email with the email body “Take action before Wednesday” like the example below. The email is designed to steal user credentials (username and password). If you receive an email like the above, this is not a...
by Amy | Jun 9, 2020 | Latest News, News
Tuesday 9th June: Phone Lines Down! UNE is currently experiencing issues with ALL calls to and from UNE. IT Support are working with Telstra to resolve this issue as soon as possible, but in the meantime you can still reach us by emailing through AskUNE or Live Chat!...
by Alana | Jun 9, 2020 | General News, Latest News, News
We’ve officially entered the examination period for Trimester 1, 2020. Exams begin this morning and will run through until Friday 19th. Good luck to everyone who is sitting an exam (or a few) over the next couple of weeks! We know exams this trimester are a...
by Alana | Jun 5, 2020 | General News, News
On a sunny day in Armidale, after a week of wind and snow, we should be celebrating good fortune in life – believe me I am. After pandemic, bushfires and drought (and a painful fall off my bike!) I am counting my blessings… Under normal circumstances I...
by Alana | Jun 4, 2020 | News
If you withdrew from a Trimester 1, 2020 unit before the last date to withdraw without academic penalty (May 29th) and applied for a credit of your fees, you should have received an email to your student account on Tuesday, providing some more information...
by Alana | Jun 3, 2020 | General News, News, Resources
Are you an HDR student? Has your research project been impacted by COVID-19? If so, UNE will support extensions to candidature and stipends for HDR Candidates in cases of demonstrated impact on research projects due to extenuating circumstances, currently...
by Alana | Jun 2, 2020 | News
UNE Foundation Online Student Textbook Bursary Closing date: 7th June Are you a off-campus/online student? Do you intend to remain studying online for the duration of your studies? Are you a continuing student in your second year or above? Do you have a current...
by Alana | Jun 1, 2020 | News, Opportunities and Events
The UNE Indigenous Engagement Committee (UNEIEC) has distributed an experience survey to all students who identify as Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander. If this sounds like you, you should have received an email on the 5th May titled “Your experience as...
by Alana | May 30, 2020 | General News, News, Opportunities and Events
What’s happening? UNE is calling for nominations from eligible students for the Student Representative position on UNE Council. The Student Representative may be an undergraduate or postgraduate student and will fill the role for 2 years, commencing mid-October 2020....
by Alana | May 29, 2020 | General News, News
This week much of my attention was directed to equity and diversity matters. If I said that I missed the time spent focusing all of my attention on COVID-19 it would be a lie. The start of National Reconciliation Week included a meeting with UNEIEC members and work on...
by Alana | May 22, 2020 | Latest News, News
My ambitions for this week were high. Sadly, after a challenging conversation with some tarmac and concrete in the middle of Armidale whilst ambling along on my new ebike, the focus of my efforts and engagement with life shifted to a narrower landscape. I am now back...
by Alana | May 22, 2020 | Latest News, News
What’s Happening? During June and July, ITD will be undertaking a program of work to replace the current Multifunction Devices with a new fleet of machines, provided by Fuji Xerox Australia. This will require that staff from ITD and Fuji Xerox attend...