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Are you ready for your online supervised exam?

Exams start soon and you need to do a few things to ensure you have the best possible exam experience on the day. 

Complete the Try-It-Out exam – This is the best way for you to know what buttons to press on the day and to check that your internet connection & computer can support your exam. 

Schedule your session now – Sessions are filling up fast, don’t wait!  Book your exam time now to get the most choice for your preferred start time. If you haven’t done so already, follow the steps in the ‘Get Started‘ section to set up your account. 

Permitted materials – Check the Online Supervised Exam Information topic in your Moodle site for the materials permitted in your exam. 

Conduct – UNE considers improper conduct in exams to be a serious offense and penalties apply.  It is expected that you will not communicate with anyone about the content of the exam until after the exam window is closed.

Need help? Contact the Exams Team via AskUNE or phone (02) 6773 2145 – before, during, or after your examWe are here to help you!

UNE Exams & eAssessment Team