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  • Have you ever wondered what these letters really stand for?
  • And why it matters to you – whether you identify under the LGBTQAI+ rainbow or not?


Thank you everyone who participated in the Queer Allyship survey we ran late last year. We had a fantastic response from current and former students.


Preliminary survey results tell us that UNE students who identify as LGBTQAI+ feel significantly less supported compared to the heterosexual population and report below average levels of satisfaction.[1]


Following your responses to the survey, Ananda Training and Consultancy have developed training that focuses on UNE’s unique profile and student needs.


UNE is inviting you to a two-part LGBTQAI+ Awareness Training to provide you with a comprehensive understanding of LGBTIQ+ terminology, issues faced by LGBTQAI+ communities, and strategies for LGBTIQ+ inclusive practice.


Once you have completed this training, you will have the opportunity to participate in Ally Network training in May 2022 with the aim to creating and effective and visible Ally Network across UNE.


The training will be delivered in two parts – one 2.5-hour session online and one 3-hour session in person in Armidale – held in late March to early April. You will have four sessions to choose from for each part. Students unable to come to the Armidale campus can complete the online part only.


To participate, please register your interest in this Survey.


For any queries, please email



Part 1 (Introduction to LGBTQAI+ Terminology and communities – Online) (up to 20 pax)

Wednesday 30 March @ 4pm

Friday 1 April @ 10am

Tuesday 5 April @ 4pm


Part 2 (Strategies for LGBTIQ+ Inclusive Practice – Face to Face) (up to 20 pax)

Tuesday 12 April @ 9am

Wednesday 13 April @ 9am

Wednesday 13 April @ 2pm