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This year’s HDR Workshop series begins on Tuesday 24th November. The goal of these events is to provide HDR candidates with additional support in their research journey. It is also about helping them expand their professional skills in a certain number of areas (e.g. research methods, writing etc….).

This series of upcoming workshops are to be delivered by Hugh Kearns from ThinkWell.
The first one, in particular, concentrates on how to stay well during a PhD journey. These events are free and are made possible because of student union fees.

Tuesday 24th November 2020 from 9.30am-12pm (NSW/AEST time): Staying Well during your PhD (workshop 1)  – Tickets are available at

Wednesday 2nd December 2020 from 9.30am-12pm (NSW/AEST time): Turbocharge your Writing (workshop 2) – Tickets are available at

Monday 10th December 2020 from 9.30am-12pm (NSW/AEST time): Cognitive Behavioural Coaching for High Performers (workshop 3) – Tickets are available at

Monday 28th January 2020 from 9.30-12pm (NSW/AEST time): Creative Tools you can Use in your Research (workshop 4) – Tickets are available at

More information about the workshop series can be found here: