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As bushfires currently blaze around Australia, particularly affecting our east coast, we remain very aware that UNE students join us from all over the country (and even further afar) and that many of you and your families may be seriously impacted by unexpected weather and natural disaster.

As we enter the second half of Trimester 2 and assignments and exams approach, please remember that your safety and wellbeing is always most important to us! If you find yourself affected by unexpected circumstances, take care of yourself and family and let us help you to sort out the rest.

Depending on whether you have assignments or examinations, and whether you have already completed these or not yet been able to attempt them, there are some different options available to you. 


If you have already completed or will be able to complete your assignment or exam:

Special Consideration – If you have been or are going to be able to complete your assignment or examination, but have been impacted by extenuating circumstances whilst preparing or undertaking the assessment, Special Consideration may be beneficial. It allows the Unit Coordinator to take your circumstances into consideration when marking your work (to a maximum of 3% for the entire unit). You can find the application form here.


If you have not yet completed, and will be unable to complete your assignment or exam:

Assignments: Special Extension of Time – If you find yourself needing more time than your current extension allows you could have a look at the information below regarding a Special Extension of Time. This is generally applicable if you would need an extension into or beyond the examination period of the Trimester, or if you have already spoken with your Unit Coordinator and gained previous extension/s for the assessment. Once you have read this information, if you would like to apply you can do so using this form.

Exams: Special Examination – If you will be, or have been unable to sit your scheduled Examination for reasons beyond your control, you could look at applying for a Special Examination. An approved Special Examination will generally be held in the following Examination period. You can find the application for this here.


Your mental and emotional wellbeing are just as important to us as your physical safety and wellbeing. In addition to these options for looking after the Academic aspects of your studies that might be impacted, please keep in mind that if you are ever interested in speaking with someone about how you’re doing, the UNE Counselling Team is just a call away. You can book an appointment by phoning (02) 6773 2897 between 9am-4pm weekdays.

If you are experiencing a crisis or are with someone who is highly distressed, please don’t hesitate to reach out for support from any of the services here

If you have any questions about which of the above options to use, or how to access support at UNE, you can reach us by emailing or calling (02) 6773 4430.

Take care, 

The Student Support Team