Business Intelligence initiatives

The Power BI Community of Practice is a collaborative space where Power BI users of all levels – beginners, intermediates, and experts – come together to learn, share, and grow their skills. Whether you're a seasoned Power BI pro, or just dipping your...

IDAHOBIT Morning Tea

The Ally Network, with support from UniSuper, is inviting you for a cuppa and cake on Friday 17 May from 10.30-11.30am in the Top Courtyard, outside Cafe Life  The date holds special significance and marks the anniversary of the 1990 removal of homosexuality...

Vesi Water dispenser trial

Image: L-R Jerick Perez, Matt UNE SMART Region Incubator and Professor Amir Karton, Associate Dean Research for the Faculty of Science, Agriculture, Business and Law at UNE.  UNE has entered into a trial with New England’s ‘Outstanding Startup’ award winner...

Skeptics in the Pub launched

Image: Convenor Amelia Willmer, guest speaker Prof Alan Scott, and Executive of Australian Skeptics Inc, Tim Mendham. Armidale's first presentation as part of the national Skeptics in the Pub initiative on Wednesday 24 April, by Professor Alan Scott, was met with...