Geography & Planning Seminar Series
“Too many jumbucks in the billabong? Evidence of early post-European settlement impacts on billabongs of the Murray-Darling Basin” Dr Michael Reid Thursday May 14, 1-2pm C02 Lecture Theatre - Earth Sciences Building Palaeoecological records from MDB billabongs show...
Dr Hamish Campbell appointed to national conservation committee
Dr Hamish Campbell from the School of Environmental and Rural Science has been appointed as a member of the national Threatened Species Scientific Committee. The national TSSC is an independent committee of eminent conservation scientists that provides the Minister...
Aspects of Antiquity
The School of Humanities is presenting a series of lectures in the Aspects of Antiquity series. 14 May: "Stranger at home: the give and take of life in the borderlands of Judah". Professor Ron Tappy. 5:30pm Education Faculty Building, Lecture Theatre 111 15 May:...
Accidental Counsellor
2 day course for academic and professional staff members, facilitated by UnitingCare Institute of Family Practice (UnitingCare IFP) Who is Accidental Counsellor and who is this course for? Accidental Counsellors are people who are placed in a counselling...
Negotiating and Influencing in University Context
One Day Workshop for academic and professional staff particularly involved in stakeholder engagement and collaboration, facilitated by Eleanor Shakiba The ability to influence and negotiate has always underpinned successful careers. Now more than ever, you need to...
Isolation and Access to Plant
What is this training about? This training program: explains the procedures for performing isolation and de-isolation outlines how to identify plant to be isolated explains how to apply work permit procedures and perform hazard identification and risk analysis...
Managing People in Higher Education
Universities are complex organisations which succeed because of their people. Discover how to motivate individuals and build constructive team dynamics. Hear how to manage team productivity and foster collaborative behaviour, even when your people are working under...