Annual Attestation
As part of our annual compliance requirements, all University Credit Card (UCC) holders and approvers must complete an attestation confirming that they have read and understood the University Credit Card Policy. Continued use of your UCC is dependent on meeting this requirement. For UCC holders, failure to complete this attestation may result in the suspension of your card.
If you are a UCC cardholder or approver, you can make the attestation by completing the relevant assessment task through the staff UCC Policy Overview and FBT Training module available in MyLearn (please note that the MyLearn site requires you to be logged in with your UNE credentials). To complete this task, you will need to open and read the University Credit Card Policy, then answer a question indicating your acknowledgement.
This attestation must be completed by Friday 14 March 2025 or your card may be suspended until completion.
If you have questions regarding this advice, or are seeking further assistance, please contact Finance Help Desk at or by calling x1772.
Lost, Stolen or Damaged Cards
As per the Credit Card Policy, a cardholder is responsible for the safekeeping of their UCC and ensuring that it is well guarded against improper use.
Cardholders are reminded to report any lost, stolen or damaged University Credit Cards immediately to the Lost and Stolen Cards Unit of the NAB on 1800 033 103 and also email the UCC Administrator at .
If your card is damaged then please contact the UCC Administrator – who will order a replacement card.
Zeno Items and Approvals
Huge thanks to all the cardholders, staff and approvers who made a big effort to clear items before the end of December!
We only have 27 items left to finalise from 2024 (it was over 300 in December!) so if you have items to submit, acquit or approve we would love to see them actioned.
If you need assistance with any of your Zeno actions, please email