Convenors wanted for the strategic planning process

The strategic planning process discussed by the Vice-Chancellor earlier this week is seeking more convenors to support ‘managed conversations’ around the values and behaviours necessary to support UNE’s future.

The VC, Professor Chris Moran, observed at Tuesday’s all-staff meeting that the strategic planning process is using multiple paths to pull in perspectives from UNE’s staff, including a series of grass-roots conversations.

The conversations will be hosted by voluntary convenors drawn from UNE’s staff. At present, the process needs about a dozen more convenors to provide adequate coverage of the UNE community.

Convenors are being trained in the techniques of ‘generative dialogue’ by Acumen Global Partners. The new round of conversations will build on Acumen’s 2024 work, which developed the skills of in-house convenors to support staff in a series of conversations around values and behaviours. Many of those convenors are now participating in development of UNE’s new strategic vision.

Interested staff who missed the earlier intake of convenors are now invited to apply for a fresh intake of convenors to support the strategic planning process.

The initial objective of the process is to identify compelling ‘vision and purpose’ statements for the University. The ‘values and behaviours’ conversations that follow will help define how to incorporate these abstract aspirations into the reality of university life.

To express interest in becoming a UNE Convenor, please contact