Message from Chief Operating officer, Meredith Parry
Please join me in welcoming Anthea White to the role of UNE’s Director, People & Culture.
Anthea brings to UNE a wealth of senior leadership experience from her past 21 years at CSIRO.
At CSIRO Anthea led People Enablement and People Futures, working with professional and academic staff in scientific disciplines in a large and complex organization with over 5000 employees.
Over the last ten years she has led large-scale organisational initiatives including the creation of the CSIRO Data61 business unit, CSIRO’s Digital Academy, working from home program, and more recently led the negotiation and implementation of the new Enterprise Agreement.
Anthea looks for innovative improvements to procedures and processes, works collaboratively with Unions and has a strong track record in managing HR programs at both business unit and organisational level. She is passionate about creating a great employee experience, and I am excited about welcoming her to UNE.
Anthea is very familiar with the Armidale region, having grown up in Inverell, which she mentioned was part of the attraction to the role.
I thank Kirsten Clayton for her contribution as Interim Director over the past year. She quickly assessed the need for policy, procedures and processes and has delivered a mammoth amount of work in her time in the role, providing UNE with strong People & Culture foundations. I would like to acknowledge the contribution she has made and am sure she will continue to make in her substantive role as Deputy Director Legal.
Athea commenced in the role Monday 3 February, and is based on the Armidale campus.