Image: “Never be afraid to question”: Inge Southcott is guest speaker at the July 23 Skeptics In The Pub at the Railway Hotel.

What happens when a scientific discovery collides with magical thinking – when people shun the science because it doesn’t fit with their individual, closely-held beliefs?

Armidale’s Skeptics In The Pub, at their next meeting on Tuesday July 23 at the Railway Hotel in Rusden St, will hear the lived experience of just such a tectonic shift

Well-known and respected Armidale voice teacher Inge Southcott will speak about her experience as one of a small band of scientifically trained women who sparked a revolution in the way singing is taught, overturning centuries of well-intended but misguided coaching.

With ten years as a medical practitioner, followed by a career change to perform at elite level with the Australian Opera, Inge was uniquely placed to be at the vanguard of that major change.

Inge said: “Mine is just one small example of how scientific breakthroughs are often treated with denial because they cause discomfort.

“The science challenges our long-held beliefs and our way of doing things.

“All the wishing and hoping that something can magically still be true, in the face of incontrovertible proof that it is not, is a very human behaviour.

“Major change, as we all know from our own life experiences, is often a very uncomfortable experience. It is something we all need to learn how to navigate.”

Skeptics In The Pub is a free event, open to everyone.

Arrive at the Railway Hotel at 6pm. Order and pay for dinner and drinks and sit back to hear Inge’s presentation, followed by a lively discussion session.