The UNE Discovery team will be hosting a 3-day science camp, “The Science Experience”, for school students in Years 9 and 10 from 9-11 July 2024.  We welcome students from all over NSW with a passion and interest in science to attend.  The Science Experience program takes place in over 30 universities and tertiary institutions throughout the year.  UNE’s program includes hands-on activities in our labs with our very wonderful academics and facilitators and a career panel discussion on the final day.   

Please refer to the 2-page flyer below for details.  If you know of any parents/guardians with students in Years 9 and 10 who may be interested, please forward the details. 

Parents/guardians will need to book directly with The Science Experience to register. Accommodation details will then be emailed to parents of registered participants.

We look forward to welcoming students to UNE for this exciting hands-on science extravaganza.  Places are limited! 

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