NEW Power BI Resources Library

BI has introduced some new resources to the UNE Datahub in the new Power BI Resources Library.  The library includes short videos of tips, terminology and tools, along with Dashboard Demonstrations and User Guides to help support UNE staff with their Power BI journey.  We will be adding new videos and content on a regular basis, so make sure to jump in and have a look. The library can be found at the bottom of the Data Literacy page in the UNE Datahub, or directly via the link above.

BI Dashboards Roadshows

The BI Dashboards Roadshow continues in May with the BI Team hosting online walk throughs on the below dashboards for any interested staff. 

  • BI Unit Monitoring and Unit Profile – 15 May, 11am to 12pm, &
  • BI Course Monitoring – 29 May, 11am to 12pm

During these short sessions BI will demonstrate the features and functionality of the dashboards, along with time for you to ask any questions you may have. 

If you would like to attend either of these online dashboard demonstrations, please email: and advise which session(s) you will be attending.  If you have the time to attend both, we would love to see you there.