Staff are invited to participate in the 2024 Australian Workplace Equality Index  survey. Click here. to access the 2023/24 AWEI Survey

The Australian Workplace Equality Index (AWEI) is the national benchmark on LGBTQIA+ workplace inclusion and comprises the largest and only national employee survey designed to gauge the overall impact of inclusion initiatives on organisational culture as well as identifying and non-identifying employees. The Index drives best practice in Australia and sets a comparative benchmark for Australian employers across all sectors.

Participation in this survey is voluntary and anonymous. The survey takes approx. 15 minutes to complete and closes at midnight on Thursday 29 February 2024. 

The data you provide is linked only to the name of the organisation that provided you with this survey. Your name, specific location, role or qualifications are not requested, nor kept within the survey at any time.

The data from this survey will be used to compare UNE LGBTQAI+ inclusion to that of other universities and other employers across Australia. People & Culture will receive and use the summary results of this data to inform UNE inclusion strategies and programs.  

For any queries, please contact the Workforce Capability & Inclusion Team on, or Mirela Suciu, Equity, Diversity & Inclusion Consultant on or on 02 6773 2301.

This survey has been approved by the ACON Research Ethics Review Committee (RERC) with the Reference Number: 202314 and by the Human Research Ethics Committee of the University of New England (Approval No HE23-182, Valid to 30/06/2024).

Online Implied Consent for Participants

Research Project:

  • I have read the information contained in the Information Sheet for Participants and any questions I have asked, have been answered to my satisfaction. 
  • I agree to participate in this study, with the understanding that:
  • My participation is voluntary,
  • My contribution is anonymous
  • Information concerning my identity will not be collected, and
  • I may withdraw at any time without consequences & without follow-up.                                 
  • I agree that the anonymous research data collected for the study will contribute to a national index that assesses the impact of UNE’s LGBTQIA+ inclusion initiatives on organisations’ cultures and employees.  
  • I am 18 years of age or older.
  • I confirm that I am a current employee of UNE.    
  • In preservation of anonymity, I understand that no name or signature is required of me to give consent.
  • By entering the survey through the link below, I am agreeing to the above and also to participate in this survey.                   

Survey link: