There are hundreds of UNE events held across all our campuses and in our communities each year. These range from small online presentations, to large in person conferences, as well as annual lectures and signature events.

All UNE Events should be formally recorded by completing an Event Synopsis by the Event Owner. Forms to do this can be found at UNE Event Forms – University of New England (UNE). This ensures that the UNE Corporate Events Team can not only record your event, but also offer advice, promotion or assistance where required. This will also flag the date of your event with the Events Office so that they can advise if there are any significant clashes you might need to be aware of.

The Events Team will also coordinate the attendance and brief any UNE Executive members who you would like to attend your event, either as a speaker or as a guest. The process for this commences with completing an Event Synopsis VIP inclusion form which will action your request to the Events Team who will then liaise with you in the lead up to your event. A flow chart of the process can be found here.

Inviting an external VIP (such as politician or notable figurehead) to present or attend a UNE event should also come through the UNE Events office. UNE is a large organisation and often, external VIP’s can be invited by a number of different areas to attend various events, so it is best to inform a centralised team so that they can let you know if there are clashes, double-ups or issues you should be aware of with the VIP or, if the invitation needs to be sent from the Vice-Chancellor or Chancellor’s office. The Events Team can assist and organise this for the Event Owner.

Larger signature events often require further assistance and the Events Office is here to provide support where possible. Please feel free to contact them with any questions or enquiries at

2024 marks the 70th Anniversary of the University of New England and there will be a few additional large events held throughout the year to allow staff, students and alumni to gather and celebrate this momentous occasion. Celebratory 70th Events can be found at our special 70th Events Calendar, or for general events or to submit an event, please visit the UNE Events Calendar.

Remember, the UNE Corporate Events team is here to support and guide UNE staff with their events, so for any questions or queries, please email and we will get back to you.