UNE’s membership with Pride in Diversity entitles all staff to participate in monthly LGBTIQA+ Awareness Sessions (as well as other training that is offered less frequently), see https://www.prideinclusionprograms.com.au/member-home/webex-online-training/

  • The next session is this Thursday 9 November from 3pm to 4.30pm AEDT. : Sign Up
  • The training is also offered on Tuesday 12 December from 12.30pm to 2pm AEDT: Sign Up

Staff will need to use their UNE email address to participate. For those interested in learning more, other training and resources can be accessed through the Pride in Diversity membership portal which you can access here: https://www.prideinclusionprograms.com.au/member-home/. The username is UNE and the password is UNEin&Aus2023

Staff can also sign up to receive newsletters by registering at www.prideinclusionprograms.com.au/signup)

Ally Network

Established in 2022, the UNE Ally Network is a group of staff and students who are committed to making the University of New England a welcoming and inclusive environment for members of the LGBTQIA+ community. Information on the Ally Network can be found at www.une.edu.au/ally-network or on our Facebook site https://www.facebook.com/groups/une.ally.network.

The proposed Terms of Reference for the Network include: 

  1. supports students, staff and alumni on sexuality and gender diversity related issues;
  2. promote a safe, inclusive and affirming environment for students and staff who are LGBTIQA+;
  3. provides the University with visibility, voice, and expertise on LGBTIQA+ lived experience; in particular regarding issues faced by regional LGBTIQA+ students and staff, including First Nations LGBTIQA+ individuals and communities; and
  4. promotes and celebrate LGBTIQA+ dates of significance;

Queer Space

Located on the lower level of the library, the UNE Queer Space is a safe and open area that’s ready to be transformed into a vibrant and welcoming hub for all.

We have a Teams channel for staff and students to contribute to its design: UNE Queer Space