There is a major upgrade coming to the Squiz Matrix Content Management System (CMS) – the UNE website platform – that will temporarily affect usage of the website for some users.

The Web Team has been communicating with web editors across UNE and they are aware of the code freeze now in effect as we work towards the transition, which is scheduled on the 21st of November. This upgrade is essential to ensure the continued stability, security, and functionality of our web platform.

Please note that the code freeze does not restrict day-to-day content updates.

What will be affected?

  • During this time there will be no new development work or production releases scheduled. This includes new templates, functionality enhancements, complex forms, integrations, and system and search configuration changes. Support will be available exclusively for critical bugs and issues.
  • Custom functionality: The Web Team is actively preparing for User Acceptance Testing to ensure the system’s functionality and display are in order. Business areas with custom functionality will be contacted for testing within the specified UAT window.
  • New Web Editor Training Freeze: Requests for new editor training are temporarily on hold until the new interface is rolled out. Matrix 6 training for new web editors will be made available after the completion of the upgrade in November, and anyone who has commenced but not yet completed their web editor training will be required to undertake this new training.  
  • Matrix 6 Training Rollout: We are excited to announce that the Matrix 6 training rollout will be available starting from Monday, 23rd October. Current web editors will be provided with a suite of short videos that will outline the changes they need to be aware of in transitioning to and navigating the new interface. All web editors will be required to watch these videos and familiarise themselves with the changes prior to using the upgraded platform. Staff will be able to watch these videos at a time convenient to you.

During this critical phase of the upgrade process, our Web Team will have limited support available as we focus our efforts on preparations required to complete a seamless upgrade. Please be aware that web assistance will be triaged and prioritised, with the possibility that some non-urgent cases may need to wait until after the upgrade before the Web Team can provide support. While Web Team support will be minimal during this upgrade window, departmental web editors can continue to create and update content as usual.  

We greatly appreciate your cooperation and understanding during this transition period. Our dedicated Web Team is committed to ensuring a seamless and successful upgrade that will ultimately benefit all users.

If you have any questions or require assistance, please feel free to reach out to us through our ServiceNow system. We will make every effort to address your needs while ensuring the successful completion of this significant upgrade.