myLearn, the backbone of UNE’s next generation learning ecosystem, was successfully launched with T3 units on Monday, 16 October 2023.  The Uplift Team is continuing to work with Schools on Uplift of T1 and T2, 2024 units.

myLearn represents a major shift in how UNE delivers quality online learning for all students, regardless of whether they are studying fully online, on-campus or a bit of both. 

The myLearn platform, in conjunction with the work of Project Uplift, offers a significantly improved user experience that is consistent and engaging for students, and more efficient and adaptable for staff.

myLearn has delivered

  • A fresh user interface with new features and integrations
  • Significant improvements in technology support and hosting
  • A learning environment that builds on UNE’s existing expertise
  • Flexibility that supports innovation and improvement into the future

“Project Uplift” is a large-scale effort involving many people from across the University including students and academic, professional, administrative and leadership staff. To reach this milestone took several years, from the initial idea to building this new online learning ecosystem.  Learning design has been the driver of this successful educational technology implementation and UNE will keep learning and refining the Uplift process as we move through T1 and T2. 

On behalf of the University, I would like to thank the project team and all unit coordinators involved in the project for T3 for their contribution to this project.  Please join us on 15 November for a celebration of this successful milestone – find out more at