UNE In Conversation 2021 Year in Review

Chat 2nd December – transcript


11:05:42 From  Erica Smith  to  Everyone:

            I would like to acknowledge HR over the last two years, and all professional support staff.

11:10:19 From  Kylie Cawley  to  Everyone:

            A HUGE Shout out to the Library Student & Client Services Team, providing continued excellence in service delivery during 2021.

11:10:53 From  Melanie Fillios  to  Everyone:

            I would like to acknowledge the academic staff who have worked tirelessly to make sure our students were ok in light of the challenges presented by the past year.

11:11:50 From  Shelley Kinash  to  Everyone:

            @Kylie I agree! Thank you and highest commendations to Blanca Pizzani for your leadership and the Library team for your great work

11:13:17 From  Shelley Kinash  to  Everyone:

            @Melanie I agree! Highest commendations to our academics. I read through 1000 UNE student comments from 2020 and 2021 and overwhelmingly our educators were described by students as – engaging, passionate, supportive and knowledgeable

11:13:33 From  Elizabeth Taylor  to  Everyone:

            I would like to celebrate and acknowledge the EA’s and Admin and Secretariat staff that keep our records, write our minutes, manage our logistics and admin and generally keep everything moving in the right direction.  Thanks for your smiles, good will and focus on keeping us safe and on track. You are an essential part my team and I appreciate all that you do ☃️🎄

11:13:56 From  Ben Lewis  to  Everyone:

            A massive shout out and expression of gratitude to the entire UNE Life cohort for their incredible efforts in the face of the challenges that 2021 presented.

11:14:12 From  Gabrielle Price  to  Everyone:

            My thanks and recognition to all the teams who have taken on those “hard” jobs this year to support the University ensure it is undertaking its operations at our desired and required standard of practice. Not always the most enjoyable of tasks but ones which have long lasting positive effect, and provide an example of the sort of organisation we want to be. Particular recognition of Academic Board, DVC portfolio including EQ. I know there are more examples. Thank you 🙂

11:14:26 From  Julia Perryman  to  Everyone:

            Even though 2021 has been a tough year, our students have secured some wonderful Graduate employment opportunities – from nursing, arts, teaching, science, etc – the list is endless and we wish them well! It has been a great year for graduate employment even with the hiccups😊

11:14:27 From  Donna Hewitt  to  Hosts and panelists:

            I would like to acknowledge our casual academic staff who often go above and beyond and form such a critical experience for our students.

11:16:01 From  Shelley Kinash  to  Everyone:

            I would also like to thank and acknowledge the leadership of our UNE Executive to inspire us towards an outstanding Future Fit student experience – including learning experience. Particular gratitude to our VC and interim DVC.

11:16:02 From  Steven Warburton  to  Hosts and panelists:

            I’d like to acknowledge all those who made the hybrid ASCILITE 2021 such a success for UNE on the international scene … in what was a very difficult year with so many changing logistics. Well done.

11:16:02 From  Michael Adams  to  Everyone:

            I want to shout out to the team around Place+ esp UNE Metro project and the Tamworth developments and Moree/Taree – well done

11:16:33 From  Sanaz Alian  to  Everyone:

            I would like to thank our students (undergraduate, postgraduate and HDR). They have been amazing in the last couple of years. They have all worked so hard and taught us how to be resilient.

11:16:49 From  Donna Hewitt  to  Everyone:

            I would like to acknowledge our casual and part time academic staff who often go above and beyond for our students and form such a critical part of the positive student experience.

11:17:53 From  Steven Warburton  to  Everyone:

            I would like to acknowledge all those who made the hybrid ASCILITE 2021 conference such a success for UNE on the international scene … in what was a challenging year with so many changing logistics. Well done.

11:18:47 From  Sue-Ellen Hogan  to  Everyone:

            A huge thank you to my colleagues across our regional and metro sites for keeping our local students supported, keeping our sites COVID Safe and contributing to the safety and wellness of our communities.

11:19:47 From  DVC – Michael Wilmore  to  Everyone:

            I would like to acknowledge the great work of UNE Partnerships. They have done a wonderful job supporting their students and continued to form really strong links with external organisations. I’m very proud they are part of the UNE ‘family’.

11:20:01 From  Jason Stoessel  to  Hosts and panelists:

            Our academic and research staff ought to be congratulated for their resilience and industry throughout 2021, continuing and adapting their research in adversity and driving innovative and world-class research under the umbrella of UNE’s new strategic plan

11:20:56 From  Richard Scully  to  Everyone:

            Well done to everyone involved in the Academic Workload Committee – DVC, UNE-appointed, NTEU-appointed, and elected members. You’ve managed to get together a comprehensive and evidence-based standard to ensure we can continue to do what we’ve always done so well in teaching, research, and service.

11:21:34 From  Jo Coghlan  to  Everyone:

            Congratulations Myf and your team!!

11:22:05 From  Sarah Thorneycroft  to  Everyone:

            I’d like to acknowledge the Digital Education portfolio – the teams have really committed to process and culture change this year and have been driving quality digital education delivery with resilience.

11:22:21 From  Carolyn Millet  to  Everyone:

            I’d like to say a big thank you to the UNE social media team members – you are clever, hardworking and just darn nice people 🙂 Same goes to the wider UNE media and social media community we work alongside every day. Also a huge thanks to the many, many people across UNE who are always so kind and helpful when we contact/hassle you for information or to tell us your stories. We so appreciate your generosity.

11:23:21 From  Ewan Evans  to  Everyone:

            Thank you to those colleagues who have supported the university through their work on our governance committees – including our Chairs, our ADTL’s, elected and nominated representatives right from school to university levels, and secretariat – they’ve gone above and beyond this year to ensure the we continue to realise the excellence of our teaching, learning, and research, in what have been very rapidly changing circumstances.

11:23:23 From  hsmirnio  to  Everyone:

            Fantastic recognition of the amazing work and key achievements!

11:23:33 From  Cate Dowd  to  Hosts and panelists:

            Bravo, Rheumatic Heart disease grant.

11:23:36 From  Elizabeth Taylor  to  Everyone:

            Big shout out to the Communications and Events team.  Although we didn’t run many events – we certainly had to communicate our hearts out to many stakeholders.  The Events we did hold – hit the mark and made our brand shine.  Thank you for all the work done to help us navigate clear Covid communications and Emergency Comms for the tornado.  Your story telling skills help us shine bright even when its tough times. 🎄☃️🦆

11:23:44 From  Shubiao Wu  to  Everyone:

            Staff in the Centre for Animal Research and Teaching and Animal Ethics Committee are greatly acknowledged for their supports and contributions to the animal trials, especially those performed during the COVID lockdown and tornado closure of the university campus.

11:23:51 From  Briony Milne  to  Everyone:

            I would like to acknowledge the hard work and support provided by our wonderful Admin Managers for this year- Previously Jacqui King, and now Kate Giles and Belinda Keogh.


            You have been fantastic leaders for the Admin Integrated Team through one of the hardest years we have experienced. You have been supportive, encouraging, and everything you have done to assist us through this period hasn’t gone unnoticed! We are certainly lucky to have you as our leaders. 😀

11:24:01 From  Jason Stoessel  to  Hosts and panelists:

            Congratulations Ketheesan!

11:24:41 From  Sue Gregory  to  Everyone:

            I would like to shout out and acknowledge the staff and students of the School of Education. Not only have they risen to the occasion of working remotely and delivering great teaching and learning online since August due to COVID-19 lockdowns, but showing their great resilience in continuing to work remotely as all have been displaced and no longer have a workplace to return to. This has really affected many staff not being able to access teaching materials, technology and even glasses to be able to continue to work. The School of Education are the most amazing group of people that I have had the privilege of working. Thank you all!

11:25:01 From  Tim Bartlett-Taylor  to  Everyone:

            To the Student Services Staff,

            Despite all the changes, system challenges and number of queries, you have performed admirably. Regardless of the stresses, your focus is always about the students. You have made me proud. Keep up the good work.


11:26:19 From  Anthony Smith  to  Everyone:

            I would like to acknowledge the unsung efforts of the UNE web team who over the last 2 years have regularly had to respond to urgent requests to create and update websites for COVID, other emergencies and Time for Change. Much of this work needed to be done ‘after hours’. Proud of your commitment team !

11:26:19 From  Erica Smith  to  Everyone:

            I would like to acknowledge the great work of the Secretariat. They go above and beyond all day every day.

11:26:45 From  Dean SABL – Birgit Loch  to  Everyone:

            Congratulations, Julius and Sam!

11:26:56 From  Shelley Kinash  to  Everyone:

            @Tim Thank you and echoed kudos and gratitude to the Student Experience team members who bend over backwards to directly support our students to make their education experience all it can be

11:27:32 From  Ewan Evans  to  Everyone:

            Congratulations to our exceptional teaching staff who have received unit commendations this year – more than 100 of our colleagues have received commendations for their achievements in teaching and learning.

11:27:48 From  Dean SABL – Birgit Loch  to  Everyone:

            Congrats to the AARCS team, too!

11:28:07 From  Belinda Keogh  to  Everyone:

            Thank you to the Professional staff within the Administration Team, Integrated Services, who have done the UNE proud in their support, willingness to assist and resilience through some challenging times. Their commitment within their areas and across the whole team is exemplary and emphasises what an amazing group of people that we are so very fortunate to have.

11:28:36 From  Erica Smith  to  Everyone:

            Congrats to everyone involved (EQ and Ewan Evans in particular) for getting through all the Course Reviews!

11:28:51 From  Nikki Rumpca  to  Everyone:

            I would like to acknowledge the Research Services team for going above and beyond during these very challenging times over the past couple of years to ensure not only all researchers were well looked after, but also the supervisors and HDR candidates. I would also like to shout out to all the HDR candidates who persevered during these years and pivoted when needed due to the conditions.

11:29:02 From  Julia Perryman  to  Everyone:

            I would like to say thank to all of us that are left standing and are working together. We have worked through many difficulties, but have overcome barriers and still got the job done! We are all awesome and a fantastic UNE Family.

11:29:09 From  Donna Hewitt  to  Everyone:

            I would like to acknowledge the staff and students in the Department of Creative Arts and Communication. We needed art, creativity and effective communication so much during Covid this year and more than ever going into the future. Thank you for your inspiring and thoughtful work over the past year.

11:29:16 From  Chanel Hopkinson  to  Everyone:

            Thanks to all the staff who have supported HDRs through these difficult couple of years! Well done to Research Services staff, Faculty staff, HDR Coordinators and supervisors 

11:29:57 From  Johanna Garnett  to  Everyone:

            Big shout out to the HASS professional and administrative staff who have worked tirelessly (as they always do), supporting academics and students and keeping us all going throughout a very challenging year.

11:30:05 From  Craig Johnson  to  Everyone:

            Only one of those honorary appointments went to a woman, could the VC please comment?

11:30:31 From  Michael Adams  to  Everyone:

            Congrats @Julius – great award and recognition

11:30:50 From  Tania Robb  to  Everyone:

            big thank you and well done to all the staff working in placements and professional experience across the faculties. With COVID came many many cancellations and new issues often changing on a daily sometimes hourly basis across the past 18months. It’s been an extremely stressful and challenging time for you all. With everything that has been thrown your way you’ve kept to students progressing throughout the degrees and minimised their anxieties around situations out of our control. You all deserve a big fat pat on the back

11:30:56 From  Julia Perryman  to  Everyone:

            Congratulations Yves – we are going to miss you in Taree.

11:31:03 From  Sujana Adapa  to  Everyone:

            I would like to thank and acknowledge the Business School’s academic and professional staff for all of the hard work and tremendous efforts throughout 2021. Pleasure to work with you all!

11:31:23 From  Stephanie Toole  to  Everyone:

            I would like to acknowledge all the Cleaning and Custodial staff who have worked tirelessly to keep our workplaces clean and safe during these trying COVID times, and helped keep our office plants alive when we weren’t able to attend campus as regularly as we would like.

11:31:27 From  tgreatre  to  Everyone:

            I would like to give thanks and acknowledgement to Ingrid Elliston who has steered International and it’s myriad of changes through this time. She has assisted it’s students with what has been one of the most chaotic times in international education with dedication, hard work and huge compassion, she is such an asset as well as supported her team.

11:31:27 From  Elise Dale  to  Everyone:

            Congratulations Yves! Such as asset to UNE and a beautiful kind human 🙂

11:31:28 From  Erica Smith  to  Everyone:

            HR also deserve a massive thank you for surviving these last few years and the work they have done.

11:31:29 From  Lloyd Thomson  to  Everyone:

            Thank you to our Legal Services team, who do their absolute best to faciliate smooth legal processes supporting the vital work we all do while seeking to protect the University. It’s not an easy balance to achieve. Well done for your great work over the year!

11:31:31 From  Julie Orr  to  Everyone:

            Well done to the staff in Research Services who have continued to support our HDR candidates, supervisors and researchers through a difficult year

11:31:53 From  Sue Gregory  to  Everyone:

            Yay, Jenny and team 🙂

11:31:53 From  Elizabeth Taylor  to  Everyone:

            Congrats Yves – thank you for all you do to fly the UNE flag

11:31:55 From  Michael Adams  to  Everyone:

            @Belinda Moore has done a great job with the Central Pricing Committee

11:32:02 From  hsmirnio  to  Everyone:

            Well done to everyone!😃

11:32:40 From  Carolyn Millet  to  Everyone:

            I second that, @Anthony – I’m a big fan of the web team!

11:33:01 From  Richard Scully  to  Everyone:

            Big thanks to Alan Tudge… for nothing.

11:33:10 From  Rob Field  to  Everyone:

            Well done @Yves Byers and congratulations and thank you for your service

11:33:11 From  Michael Adams  to  Everyone:

            @Skye Saunders work on discrimination/harassment law in the bush and @Cameron Moore work with COVID and ADF has been incredible – well done for your services to the wider community

11:34:18 From  Erin Rodgers  to  Everyone:

            Well done to the students and staff at the Psychology Clinic, who continued to deliver mental health services and psychometric assessments to members of the community, despite shifting between face to face and telehealth. The clinical psychology students showed great resilience, working away from home and their support structures. Well done!

11:34:31 From  Diana Chambers  to  Everyone:

            Congratulations to the recruitment team for your outstanding customer service and friendship – much to celebrate for all your efforts 😉

11:34:48 From  hsmirnio  to  Everyone:

            Brilliant work Recruitment Team. Wonderful recognition!

11:35:00 From  Erica Smith  to  Everyone:

            @Richard Scully HA HA HA!

11:35:08 From  Brian Wilson  to  Everyone:

            Thanks to the HDR team in SABL, Research Services and across UNE for continuing to support our HDR community throughout this challenging period.

11:35:49 From  Anthony Smith  to  Everyone:

            a herculean effort by recruitment in People + Culture. Enjoy the Christmas break team !

11:36:02 From  Shelley Kinash  to  Everyone:

            Well-done PREP team!!!

11:36:07 From  Lloyd Thomson  to  Everyone:

            And let’s not forget our wonderful team in EBE, who have really faced some difficult challenges through the year and done an outstanding job of handling them.

11:36:38 From  Michael Adams  to  Everyone:

            @Lloyd – so true – EBE have gone way above expectations

11:37:07 From  Lewis Fitz-Gerald  to  Hosts and panelists:

            PREP calls a very good initiative

11:37:15 From  Jason Stoessel  to  Hosts and panelists:

            Thanks to the all involved in research governance and strategy in HASSE, grant development support and HDR support and training. Some many examples of teamwork for great and beneficial outcomes

11:37:31 From  Allison Brown  to  Everyone:

            Shout out to @Julie Orr – you are brilliant and it has been a pleasure to work with you in the HDR space

11:37:32 From  Galia Urquhart  to  Everyone:

            A big shout out and thankyou to the UNE community. The UNE executive, EBE staff, Yarm families and all those who supported and assisted Yarm Gwanga during the temporary relocation of the centre.

11:37:34 From  Diana Chambers  to  Everyone:

            Congrats to EBE for all their hard work through an exceptionally challenging year!

11:37:37 From  Mark Bourne  to  Everyone:

            A massive thanks to the Curriculum and Academic Management team in a very challenging year. The volume and speed of curriculum change has been significant and time-consuming. Without their amazing efforts UNE wouldn’t have met 2022 publishing and admission opening deadlines.

11:37:52 From  COO – Peter Creamer  to  Everyone:

            A huge shout out to all the teams in the integrated Services portfolio and other portfolios across the university who have worked with extraordinary dedication and professionalism during the past year to keep the university safe and to allow us all to continue our work in a variety of ways in a variety of settings. Great work and I am extremely proud of all their work.

11:38:13 From  Karl Angel  to  Everyone:

            Well done to the Integrated Services teams for multiple migrations to the cloud and thank you to all the business units that regularly help us make that a seamless process, collaboratively making the products UNE a better place to work.

11:38:43 From  dpurdy3  to  Everyone:

            Well done Steph

11:39:00 From  DVC – Michael Wilmore  to  Everyone:

            Rob Field and the team at UNE Metro went through a very long lock down in Sydney. They got through tough times with amazing resilience and continued to provide great support to our metro students. They were a real inspiration to us all.

11:39:04 From  Shelley Kinash  to  Everyone:

            Echoed highest commendations and gratitude to ISM team and particularly @Kate and @Wiley

11:40:16 From  Justin Urquhart  to  Everyone:

            A big shout out to my team in Systems Support, HR Systems, Finance Systems and Library Systems for your continued dedication to the work you do, well done.

11:40:27 From  Steven Warburton  to  Everyone:

            @Mark Bourne. Seconded. Amazing agility and effort by the CAM team.

11:40:50 From  Amanda Ferris  to  Everyone:

            A huge ‘thankyou’ to the SRM team! You have dealt with a lot over the last two years. Not only do you send out bulk emails to students on behalf of the ENTIRE university, but you do it with high-level attention to detail to ensure students are receiving accurate and relevant information. You work long hours to ensure those communications are sent out on time. Plus, you do amazing work to design and develop form/survey/comms solutions for students & staff. You are pivotal to UNE and should be applauded. I’m a lucky manager to have you all in my team.

11:40:55 From  DGUS – Gabrielle Price  to  Everyone:

            Thanks to the Governance team for the wonderful progress made this year to improve existing frameworks, support and help the activities and ambitions of our academic and professional colleagues and help set us up for better ways of working going forward! With a smile 🙂

11:41:06 From  Nigel Flett  to  Everyone:

            A big thank you to the Academic Workload support team for your hard work and persistence in supporting the development of a new academic workload model and piloting the interim solution.  Your flexibility, persistence, grace and good humour is a credit to you all!

11:41:24 From  Fiona Harrison  to  Everyone:

            Thank you to everyone for their support of Procurement and FSBI this year and a big shout out to these teams for the work undertaken this year!

11:41:30 From  Leisa Rayner  to  Everyone:

            A big shoutout to the UNE Centre staff across Tamworth, Taree and Sydney for going above and beyond throughout the year. We’ve had our own set of unique challenges and we’ve somehow made it to Christmas! In particular we want to thank Rob Field for his unwavering leadership and guidance throughout everything.

11:41:44 From  Shelley Kinash  to  Everyone:

            Congratulations and Thank you @Caroline and team for stellar Counselling and other Wellbeing supports and to @Kerrie and team for MUSE

11:42:21 From  Maria Cotter  to  Everyone:

            Well done to the UNE Admissions Team your persistence and resilience in a time for change and in a changing market has been phenomenal…and important to the essential functioning of this University!

11:42:57 From  DGUS – Gabrielle Price  to  Everyone:

            @Procurement – wow – what a difference your team is making to inform and support the way we engage with suppliers, drive value outcomes and set up these key investments for success.

11:43:06 From  Johan Boshoff  to  Everyone:

            Congratulations to the CASI team for developing four new web-based applications the last year to deliver UNE research to the UNE communities that can benefit from the of the knowledge created.

11:43:40 From  Richard Scully  to  Everyone:

            Yes – Glad those commendations have come back, after a few years in abeyance.

11:43:44 From  Michael Adams  to  Everyone:

            Yes well done to the AD T&L across the faculties

11:43:58 From  Kate Carter  to  Everyone:

            Big thanks to all my colleagues at the Oorala Aboriginal Centre – your support of all our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students at UNE is outstanding. ☺️

11:44:35 From  Stephanie Toole  to  Everyone:

            Well done to all of the Digital Education teams – the Learning Design, Learning Media, Learning Technologies and the Exams and eAssessment teams! We have adapted so well and achieved so much this year. And a special shout-out to Sarah for your amazing leadership.

11:44:43 From  Michael Adams  to  Everyone:

            I have blown away by the commitment and development of the Law School professional and academic staff for the last couple of years – esp with growth of 33% in the last three years but a reduction in workforce.

11:44:58 From  Lloyd Thomson  to  Everyone:

            Yes, Johan, your team has done outstanding work and can certainly expand its fantastic support across the university to ensure we support the third pillar of research. Such a critical need for us now.

11:45:05 From  Michael Adams  to  Everyone:

            Great news Tamworth team

11:45:11 From  Elizabeth Taylor  to  Everyone:

            Thanks Library Team 📕☃️🎄📕🎄

11:45:11 From  Anna Du Chesne  to  Everyone:

            Acknowledge the Media team for assisting in the creation of the awesome ORCiD video 🙂

11:45:26 From  Lisa McMahon  to  Everyone:

            Go Tamworth!

11:46:25 From  Allison Brown  to  Everyone:

            Shout out to @Sarah Cahill and @Cameron Barnes for all the work you and others put into moving the Library web site into a place that supports students. I know this required a lot of work to gather student perspectives through the process

11:46:31 From  Lloyd Thomson  to  Everyone:

            And, while I’m at it, we need a shoutout to Lou Conway and her super staff of the UNE SRI. UNE has, for the first time, a real presence in the Armidale CBD in NOVA. An outstanding achievement and a wonderful partnership between UNE and the ARC supported by the NSW Government, amongst others!

11:46:35 From  Rob Field  to  Everyone:

            Thank you to the UNE Metro and Regions team and the fantastic engagement and support given across the university and to our students, our partners and our local communities

11:46:40 From  Michaela Olde  to  Everyone:

            Well done to the Library Team on the ORCID project and thanks for the support from the academics. Well done everyone!

11:46:50 From  Michael Adams  to  Everyone:

            @Rob Field – fantastic work

11:47:10 From  Diana Chambers  to  Everyone:

            Big thanks to my WHS team colleagues and our WHS committees and work groups for their commitment and efforts towards keeping us safe and well – look forward to working with you all in the new year after well deserved break over the festive period!

11:47:21 From  Donna Hewitt  to  Everyone:

            Sydney Metro team are amazing. Well done Rob. The new building is very exciting.

11:47:32 From  Karl Angel  to  Everyone:

            Well done @Rob, love seeing your updates

11:47:33 From  Nigel Flett  to  Everyone:

            Thank you to the three interim Deans and our acting DVC for the leadership you have provided in a very difficult operating environment.  You have done Education Futures and the Faculties a great service and we appreciate you all very much.

11:47:34 From  Lee Atkinson-Barrett (she/her) – University of New England  to  Everyone:

            A huge shout out to all staff of People and Culture, current and those that have left over the the last year, for working so well together and supporting one another through very difficult times.  Your ability to connect and engage with stakeholders in a professional and empathetic way is highly commendable.  A fantastic team.

11:47:41 From  Jo Coghlan  to  Everyone:

            Good job Parramatta!!

11:48:50 From  Lloyd Thomson  to  Everyone:

            Can’t agree more, Lee; it’s been extremely tough for People and Culture and I think we all know how well your folk have done against pretty fierce headwinds.

11:48:51 From  Shelley Kinash  to  Everyone:

            Hear Hear Thank you and highest commendations to our Residential College Team!

11:49:36 From  Elizabeth Taylor  to  Everyone:

            Thanks Colleges team for looking after our students and keeping them safe 🎄

11:49:42 From  Bryn Griffiths  to  Everyone:

            Thanks to the very committed team in Communications, Social Media and Events. Your ability to move quickly, jump on opportunities, solve challenges and work with stakeholders all across the University, external media groups, political advisers, and many more has been seen, heard, and validated by many. Thanks again!

11:49:58 From  Lewis Fitz-Gerald  to  Hosts and panelists:

            Congrats to Parramatta/Sydney staff and colleagues for enduring long lockdown and many challenges while maintaining terrific student support

11:50:16 From  Kylie Cawley  to  Everyone:

            Well done Ashwin Bhutani and Team 🙂

11:50:48 From  Angel Mok  to  Hosts and panelists:

            Thank you to the residential team for looking after our students in a very difficult time, especially international students who have been stranded in Australia!

11:51:12 From  Michael Adams  to  Everyone:

            @Legal UNE have been crazy busy and thank them for their support with various IP agreements and international MOU etc

11:51:37 From  DVC – Michael Wilmore  to  Everyone:

            @Nigel – Thanks and I could not agree more that our interim Deans have done a great job. In fact I know from personal experience that everyone who has worked with the words ‘acting’ or ‘interim’ in front of their job title has done work that’s been greatly appreciated.

11:53:02 From  Sotirios Akon  to  Everyone:

            Bravo to Rob Field and his team at Parramatta.    Am looking forward to returning asap for intensive schools.                                                   Paul Akon at the Law School

11:53:51 From  Tahlia Stace  to  Everyone:

            I’d like to shout out to the many staff from across the university, supported by a newly established project team, who have demonstrated true collaboration towards the CAUC project. An example of what can be done when experts from across the university come together to deliver university outcomes. It hasn’t been easy but the results are so rewarding. Thank you!

11:54:17 From  Loretta S Khanna  to  Everyone:

            Thank you to the central finance team who have always shown patience in explaining processes, offering ad hoc training as needed, processing requests with great efficiency, and ALWAYS providing friendly customer service.

11:55:17 From  DGUS – Gabrielle Price  to  Everyone:

            I know its been said but massive effort by WHS and EBE, UNE Life, and all members small and large SIG, CART, RRT and others who have guided UNE students and staff, visitors and contractors through COVID, Tornados, and various other things thrown at this this year – Huge effort, great work 🙂

11:55:25 From  Ewan Evans  to  Everyone:

            Thanks to the Education Quality team – for continuing to deliver at a high pace and high quality, even when you might have thought some of the deadlines were a little crazy! Appreicate your passion, commitment, and expertise, and working closely with colleauges from across campus.

11:56:21 From  Johan Boshoff  to  Everyone:

            Big thanks to @Lloyd Thomson for the support in preparing complex legal agreements with external partners!

11:56:24 From  Cate Dowd  to  Hosts and panelists:

            Thank you to the VC for carrying the university during very difficult times.

11:56:59 From  Elise Dale  to  Everyone:

            I just want to congratulate the Online Orientation Team who have worked tirelessly to innovate and provide an amazing transition curriculum to all students during the pandemic, natural disasters and consistently for online students. The staff who participate in this program span across the entire university both Academic and Professional Staff in many locations who generously give their time to connect with and help students early on and help to enhance their sense of belonging and ease of access at UNE. 🙂

11:57:21 From  Ariella Van Luyn  to  Everyone:

            Online orientation was great this year, thanks Elise!

11:57:45 From  Kerrie Sheelah  to  Everyone:

            Well done to ALL the staff in the Student Services area – Progressions, Connect, International Services you are amazing at supporting our students!

11:57:48 From  COO – Peter Creamer  to  Everyone:

            I would like to offer a special thanks to Jo Scanlan, Patrick Crick, Tracey Lye and Di Flett for all their support during the past year. Their support and professionalism is very much appreciated during a period with many challenges.

11:58:06 From  Michael Adams  to  Everyone:

            100% agree @Peter-COO

11:58:38 From  Steven Warburton  to  Everyone:

            @Ewan well said.

11:59:19 From  Ben Lewis  to  Everyone:

            Thank you so much for all of your wonderful work, Vice-Chancellor. Considering the unbelievable amount of challenges and natural disasters that has struck during your first term, UNE owes you a very large debt of gratitude for your leadership.

11:59:22 From  Melanie Fillios  to  Everyone:

            Thank you to everyone in the Senior Executive, esp. the Vice Chancellor, for your tireless leadership in the face of many challenges.

11:59:53 From  Noni Hawkins  to  Everyone:

            Agreed @Melanie Fillios!

11:59:55 From  Nikki Rumpca  to  Everyone:

            Thank you VC!!!

12:00:20 From  Rob Field  to  Everyone:

            Thank you VC

12:00:21 From  Myf Maple  to  Everyone:

            Agree @Ben and @Melanie. Strong leadership has desperately been needed and is now coming to pay off for UNE

12:00:22 From  Jennifer McDonell  to  Everyone:

            Thank you Vice Chancellor for your leadership in meeting the incredible challenges of this year. Thank you!

12:00:35 From  Jo Scanlan  to  Everyone:

            @COO thank you for your support and excellent guidance

12:00:38 From  DVC – Michael Wilmore  to  Everyone:

            Thanks Kylie Smith – legend!

12:00:40 From  hsmirnio  to  Everyone:

            Thank you for your heartfelt and authentic presentation today. It was wonderful.

12:00:41 From  Noni Hawkins  to  Everyone:

            Shout out to all Oorala staff for this year and all years for continually supporting our students and other staff members!

12:00:57 From  dpurdy3  to  Everyone:

            Retention people, retention

12:01:19 From  Kylie Cawley  to  Everyone:

            Thank you Bryn – Great Job!

12:01:22 From  Tay Garrad  to  Hosts and panelists:

            Big thanks to Milly Taylor and all at the BI team who are so knowledgeable, patient and hardworking to help support everyone with the important data they need to support the university and course coordinators to enact change.

12:01:26 From  Julia Perryman  to  Everyone:

            Merry Christmas everyone and here is to a wonderful 2022!

12:01:29 From  Maria Cotter  to  Everyone:

            All Congratulations to the VC and Executive absolutely endorsed. Persistence and resilience personified.

12:01:38 From  Robyn Cox  to  Everyone:

            Shout out to everyone not mentioned – especially the teaching focussed staff.

12:01:44 From  Erica Smith  to  Everyone:

            Happy holidays to everyone at UNE!

12:01:47 From  Steven Warburton  to  Everyone:

            Well done Bryn. Great year. Wow.

12:01:48 From  Amy Moss  to  Everyone:

            Merry Christmas and well done evryone!

12:01:50 From  Bryn Griffiths  to  Everyone:

            Bryn: media@une.edu.au

12:02:02 From  Sujana Adapa  to  Everyone:

            Seasons greeting to all!

12:02:23 From  Michael Adams  to  Everyone:

            Thank you everyone – Merry Christmas everyone

12:02:24 From  Robyn Archer  to  Everyone:

            Also to you Sujana

12:02:29 From  Lloyd Thomson  to  Everyone:

            Season’s greetings to all!

12:02:31 From  zuocheng zhang  to  Hosts and panelists:

            Thank you.