New staff have been appointed to the following positions:

Tim Youngberry – Head of Financial Services

Tim, pictured left, has more than 25 years’ experience in financial management in public institutions covering the full remit of the finance function. For the past seven years, he has been working as an independent consultant specialising in public financial management.  Over this time he has worked with the federal and state governments in Australia as well as being a subject matter expert on public finance with the International Monetary Fund, the OECD and international aid organisations. Most recently he had a two year contract with ANU to implement reforms to their budgeting and financial reporting arrangements.

He is a Fellow of both CPA Australia and Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand, and graduated from the University of New England Northern Rivers in 1993.  He also holds the following audit committee positions:

  • Chair, Audit Committee, Regional Investment Corporation (2018 – current)
  • Member, Audit and Assurance Committee, Commonwealth Department of Education, Skills and Employment and Chair Financial Statements Sub-committee (2017 – current)
  • Member, Audit and Risk Committee, Commonwealth Department of Health and Chair Financial Statements Sub-committee (2021 – current)


Meg McKechnie – Acting Chief Financial Officer

Meg, centre, joined UNE as Deputy CFO in April 2020.  Meg brings a broad range of expertise not traditionally seen in a CFO function in a regional location, including extensive consultancy experience from Big Four accounting firms in the areas of forensic accounting, audit, corporate recovery and data analytics; regulatory experience from the Australian Securities & Investments Commission and Australian Prudential Regulation Authority; as well as insurance, investment and governance experience.  Meg’s skillset and experiences place her in a unique position to provide the financial, strategic and management support necessary to lead the CFO portfolio, including the finance, procurement, insurance and investment teams to enable delivery Future Fit.  Meg is a Chartered Accountant and a graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors.

Alicia Zikan – Head of Records and Governance

Alicia, pictured right, has been with UNE for more than a decade and brings diverse skills and experience. She came to UNE with a background in finance and superannuation, and has broad experience at the University, primarily in learning and teaching, and student experience. She has served as a member of UNE Council, Finance and Infrastructure Committee, and Council-appointed Director on the Board of Services UNE Ltd, and was appointed as UNE Ombudsman from 2012 to 2016. In 2015 Alicia received an Australian Award for University Teaching. Alicia is a UNE graduate, and holds qualifications in executive coaching and leadership.