A new UNE webpage has recently been launched that promotes the University’s research projects to the wider community.

The Community Participation in Research webpage is a place for researchers to highlight their projects and to assist them in recruiting participants who may be interested in taking part in their research. This site will also feature a section on Citizen Science and help promote current Citizen Science projects that are taking place and connect researchers with communities.

All research projects posted must have relevant Research Ethics approval before they can be listed on this webpage. This must be also be included as one of the recruitment strategies in your ethics approval.  If you have already received ethics approval and would like to take advantage of this new recruitment method, you will need to complete a variation and have it approved by the Human Research Ethics Committee before your research can be listed. 

For more information, please contact Georgia Diemar by emailing: Georgia.Diemar@une.edu.au copying in human.ethics@une.edu.au