Update from Chair of the Academic Workload Committee, Professor Michael Wilmore

We hope that you have enjoyed a relaxing break over the festive season. It is now essential that staff across UNE actively engage with consultation and subsequent implementation of the proposed Academic Workload Framework and Model (AWLF&M).

The AWLF&M is open to staff consultation and we invite your feedback via the staff consultation portal within the Academic Workloads website. Constructive feedback is vital to the evolution of an AWLF&M that is sufficiently flexible to encompass discipline variances while remaining prescriptive to engender understanding and application. Please act soon as this phase of formal consultation will close in February.

The AWLF&M offers a theoretical insight into academic workload planning. More importantly, it is practical knowledge that will assist with planning and implementation of your workload. This approach to workload planning, whilst new to all, is relatively straightforward when you appreciate:

  • what initial information you need to provide;
  • who needs this information; and
  • when to refine and re-visit your workload.

Our focus over the next two to four weeks will be to educate through:

  • Workshops and demonstrations.
  • Training resources.

Training will run concurrently with additional staff consultation endeavours:

  • School consultation meetings.
  • Focus groups.
  • A final, virtual meeting for those that are unable to attend school meetings.

Please respond to email invitations to join us for the above events.