We hope that this email finds you well. We are reaching out as co-Chairs of the Universities Australia Executive Women (UAEW) group.

The UAEW group provides strategic advice and high-level guidance to Australian universities and their governing bodies, as well as a range of other organisations committed to improving the representation of women. We develop resources for empowering women in leadership, and invite women and men at all stages of their career to join our membership.

We are seeking to advance our reach and relevance, and would greatly appreciate any assistance you may be able to provide in promoting the Universities Australia Executive Women group to all men and women in your institution who may be interested in our mission, with an invitation to join our membership. UAEW membership is free, and staff can join by sending an email to uaew@universitiesaustralia.edu.au<mailto:uaew@universitiesaustralia.edu.au>.

More information can be found here: https://www.universitiesaustralia.edu.au/policy-submissions/diversity-equity/universities-australia-executive-women-group/

If you would like to support the UAEW mission, or if you would like any additional information, please do not hesitate to contact Lily Halliday, UAEW Project Officer, at lily.halliday@unsw.edu.au<mailto:lily.halliday@unsw.edu.au>.

Thank you in advance for your support.

Best regards,

Professor Eileen Baldry FASSA
Deputy Vice-Chancellor Equity Diversity and Inclusion
Professor of Criminology