UNE Partnerships welcomed new board member, Dr Jesse Harman, to their team last month. She joins existing board members Professor Todd Walker (Chairman), Professor Aron Murphy and Dr Exmond DeCruz.
Jesse has a PhD in Social Entrepreneurship and has previously worked as Pro Vice-Chancellor International and Partnerships with Federation University and as Director, Dual Sector Partnerships at the University of Ballarat. Before that she worked as CEO of Maryborough Regional Employment and Training Services.
UNEP CEO, Sue Crew, welcomed the appointed saying she is excited to be working with Jesse.
“Jesse will be a great asset to the Board, bringing a wealth of experience to the Board and UNEP more generally. “
For more information about Jesse click here: https://www.unep.edu.au/about-us/management/
Image: UNEP CEO Sue Crew welcomes Dr Jesse Harman (right) as board member.