A Pint of Science brings researchers out of the lab and into the pub. Up next is UNE’s Dr Danila Marini, who will be speaking at the Wicklow on Tuesday 15 May.

Danila’s talk will centre around managing sheep with invisible fences and includes the basics of virtual fencing, how it is implemented in livestock and how livestock learn to respond to the fence. 

A Pint of Science is an international not-for-profit festival that brings scientists into pubs to chat about their research with the public in an informal setting. It’s held from May 14-16 giving Australians the opportunity to be the first in the world to raise their glass to science!

Tickets to the event sold out fast last year so make sure you buy yours in time to attend. Tickets can be purchased at https://pintofscience.com.au/event/the-future-of-farming for only $6.

Powered by CSIRO, Australia’s national science agency, the Australian festival has expanded this year to 88 events in 16 locations.