Today is the launch of our major campaign for Safe Work Month and focuses on your safety as pedestrians and road users on campus.

UNE has seen a trend in incident and hazard reports relating to traffic and pedestrian (T&P) incidents and near misses. These are our identified black spots:

1. Pedestrian crossing and intersection of Trevenna Dr, Booloominbah Dr and Elm Ave.
2. Pedestrian crossing at Mary White College.
3. Stop sign at the end of Library Rd and pedestrian crossing on Trevenna Dr.
4. Pedestrian crossing on Elm ave and intersection of Elm ave and Meredith st.
5. Road and pedestrian area leading to the Rural Futures car park.

As part of our T&P campaign you can expect to see signage on the approach at our black spots and other communication to students and staff via radio, web and print.

ECO Sim Drill

What is an “ECO Sim Drill” you ask?

The ECO is our Emergency Control Organisation and during Safe Work Month they have completed a desktop simulation to practice their full scale emergency procedures. This exercise was based on a major fire and business continuity in our Residential System.

Safe Work Month Morning Tea

First aiders, emergency wardens and HSRs (including Deputies and HSR Nominees/members of work group meetings) are invited to a special Safe Work Month morning tea hosted by the Chair of our WHS Management Group, Professor Joyce Kirk. Please come to the lawns of Booloominbah at 11am on Tuesday 24 October for light refreshments. RSVP essential to 

UNE 42 Day Stepathlon

We are in to week 2 of our Stepathlon. Our very own UNE team is leading the charge: 1st out of 91 teams across other Australian Universities. Congrats to Sue Gregory, Angela Page, Simon Knight, Lee-Anne McKinnon and Brent Gregory. Keep up the steps and do us proud!

UNE teams are currently taking the entire podium. Our closest competitor is the University of Western Australia in 4th place.

Hazardous Chemicals – Health Monitoring Webinar

SafeWork NSW is offering an informative webinar on 23 October from 10:30 – 11:30. For more information and registration details please click here.

Getting to know your WHS Team

Members of the WHS team are:

  • WHS Manager: Craig Moore. Ph. 6773 4269.
  • WHS Officer: Jodi McAlary. Ph. 6773 5763.
  • Health and Wellbeing Officer: Gail Creagan. Ph. 6773 3434.
  • FMS WHS Officer: Clayton Gilmour. Ph. 6773 2041.
  • Business Continuity and Safety Project Officer: Theron King. Ph. 6773 5830.

Reminder: Electronic reporting of all incidents, injuries and hazards is now available. All incidents must be reported within 24 hours! Click here to make a report.