October is National Safe Work Month and the message at UNE “no matter what you do, safety starts with you”. Keeping ourselves and each other safe at work requires a commitment from all staff.

As part of Safe Work Month the Chair of our WHS Management Group, Professor Joyce Kirk, will be hosting a morning tea at 11am on 24 October to give thanks to our health and safety reps (HSRs), first aiders, and volunteer emergency wardens.

Their contribution often goes unnoticed until something goes wrong. We will use this month to acknowledge the conscientious efforts of our colleagues who make a proactive effort to improve our daily work lives.

If you are one of these people and would like to attend the morning tea please RSVP to whs@une.edu.au. The event will be held at 11am on 24 October.

The most recent data available tells us that work related injury and disease cost the Australian economy $61.8 billion, representing 4.1% of GDP in 2012-13. The majority of the cost (95%) was borne by individuals (that’s you) and society; workers bore 77%, the community 18% and employers 5%.

Chief Operating Officer Prof Peter Creamer launched UNE Safe Work Month last week and yesterday saw the commencement of our Stepathlon challenge – a virtual race around the world in teams of five, against UNE and other university teams.  Good luck to all those who are giving it a go and working to improve their wellbeing.

Other initiatives this month include the launch of our campaign on traffic and pedestrian safety on campus, as well as online, print and radio promotion of our safety message, “no matter what you do, safety starts with you”.