Over 400 native trees and shrubs were planted on the banks of Dumaresq Creek last week thanks to the enthusiastic efforts of more than 100 students. The planting event a added to the tens of thousands of plants put in the ground by volunteers by local Landcare and Rivercare projects.

“As well as improving the environment, we back these plantings as great for students because they help strengthen the on-campus community and are a real winner for mental health” said Tom Fisher, Uni4Me Independent Student Advocate.

Uni4Me, UNE Life, Facilities Management Services, the PVCA Office, the Colleges, Armidale Urban Rivercare Group, Southern New England Landcare and the Armidale Dumaresq Lions Club all cooperated and contributed to make the event a huge success.

“We aim to build on this success by having more UNE student Rivercare and Landcare events like this in the future” said Mr Fisher.


Image L-R: Tom Fisher, Sara Schmude, Ellen Nyberg and Peter Eaton