Representatives from Elsevier will be on site Monday 27 February for the official launch of the ScienceDirect Freedom Collection at UNE.
The addition of the ScienceDirect Freedom Collection to Dixson Library’s electronic resources collection expands UNE’s access to 1,831 active journal titles. In real terms, UNE now has access to 7.1 million articles from 1995-2015, including access across all Elsevier subject collections.
The main subject areas of the collection include the sciences, technology, medicine and psychology. A smaller number of titles from arts, humanities, economics & finance, and the social sciences are also covered. UNE also has access to 11 backfile collections, providing pre-1995 access to many titles to complement the frontfile access provided by the Freedom Collection.
Interested staff are invited to join Library staff for coffee/tea and a bite to eat to celebrate the launch which will take place in the FJH Letters Room, Level 2 (entry level), Dixson Library from 11am.
There will be opportunity to explore the platform and learn how to personalise your settings, create favourites, set up alerts and read articles on your iOS or Android mobile device …and more.