2nd Hand Bookshop

The University has completed a tendering process for the continuation of a bookshop service at UNE. Based on wide consultation with staff and students, both internal and external, the University has determined that the existing provider, United Campus Bookshop (UCB), will continue to run the Bookshop on campus, and in addition, will take over responsibility for the existing 2nd Hand Bookshop that is currently in the Arcade. The 2nd Hand Bookshop will be relocated to UCB, next door to Dixson Library. The consolidation of the two bookshop services will have an impact on the staff of the 2nd Hand Bookshop, but every effort is being made to provide staff with alternative opportunities for employment.

Campus Essentials

Over recent weeks, UNE Life has undertaken a workplace change in the area of Campus Essentials. UNE Life recognises the value of Campus Essentials in how it serves not only students but also the staff of the University. There are no planned changes that will affect the range and quality of services currently offered by Campus Essentials and UNE Life is looking forward to consulting stakeholders in the near future on how these current services may be broadened to reflect student and staff needs.  If you would like to provide direct advice or comment, please email unelife@une.edu.au.