From 2012 to 2014, the School of Arts hosted a Writers and Illustrators in Residence Program, supported by the Copyright Agency’s Cultural Fund. The program brought writers and illustrators of children’s and young adult literature to UNE to develop creative projects onsite and to engage with UNE staff, students and the wider New England community.

The program gave writers and illustrators time, space, and resources as well as a vibrant collegial environment in which to create new work. It involved practitioners working in a range of media, from writing and illustration to digital animation and puppetry. Each resident shared their expertise and experience through workshops and talks for children and adults during their time at UNE. These activities showcased the depth, breadth and vibrancy of the children’s literature scene in the New England region and nationwide.

An exhibition of works produced by participants in the program is currently on display at the Dixson Library.

For more information, see the program’s facebook page:

or look at our website:

Alternatively, contact the program’s directors, Elizabeth Hale ( and Sascha Morrell (