Farming Futures Careers Fair and Industry Dinner are on again this year on Friday 29 July, 2016. Our goal is to promote careers in the agricultural sector, inspire students and to provide networking opportunities between students and industry representatives.

The Careers Fair is a free event that provides students with an opportunity to talk to different companies from the agricultural and business sectors. This is a great opportunity to find out what kind of jobs are available and if there are any graduate opportunities that interest you.

There will also be a free BBQ on the day for people who attend the fair! Networking is so important for finding jobs when you enter the work force. It is worth noting that you are representing yourself as an employable future graduate, so we advise dressing accordingly.

The Industry Dinner on the 29th is being held at the UNE ‘Stro. The dinner is a more social way to interact with potential employers whom you may have already met at the Careers Fair. The night will feature speeches from Ms Susan Bower, Westpac Head of Agribusiness and ex –Robb and –UNE student, and Diana George, a recent UNE graduate who found her current job through attending Farming Futures events. There will also be a charity auction raising money for the Burrumbuttock Hay Runners.

Tickets for the Farming Futures Industry Dinner are $50 pp, and $30 pp for UNE students; which includes canapés, two course dinner, and selected table drinks.

Tickets can be purchased online at Last day to buy tickets is July 18th.

During the week before Farming Futures events, Rural Focus 2016 events will be running on Wednesday 27th and Thursday 28th July. The events focus around ‘Issues and Best Practice in Agriculture Today’, starting with the Rural Focus 2016 Dinner and Lecture black tie event at Robb College on Wednesday.

Thursday opens with a Welcome at the JP Belshaw Lecture Theatre, then talks on ‘Australian Agribusiness: A transitionary phase between family and corporate ownership?’, morning tea, talks in the theme of ‘Looking ahead to a future workforce and career’, lunch and networking, then a tour of the UNE SMART Farm, ending in the IFAMA Cocktail Reception.

The week culminates in the Farming Futures Careers Fair and Industry Dinner on the Friday.

For more information on the Rural Focus 2016 Symposium, go to