Writing with clarity @ UNE

Facilitated by Dennise Harris of Dennise Harris Business Writing. A course designed to help you write complex information in a clear and sensible way without losing accuracy or rigour. At the end of the workshop you will Have a clear idea of what makes writing easy...

Why write for The Conversation

To Whom It May Concern The Conversation has become an important media resource of quality stories and trusted experts for the ABC to follow up through our various broadcasting outlets. The reason for the good fit between the organisations is our shared commitment...

Excel training for Researchers

Research Services will be holding a free Excel training day for researchers, leaving attendees with two key skills – how to handle their research data within Excel, and how to use advanced features of Excel to answer research questions pertaining to their data. The...

In memory of Dr Minor Markle

Dr Minor Markle, formerly Senior Lecturer in Classics and Ancient History at the University of New England, died peacefully in his sleep at home in Invergowrie, near Armidale, on Saturday evening 30 May, not long after his 81st birthday on 10 May. Minor Millikin...