Introduction to Project Management: A Process-Driven Approach training course

November 18th & 19th 2015

This two-day practical course is designed specifically for UNE staff to support them in the management of small to medium sized projects.

In this interactive course, participants will learn how to apply  UNE’s approved project management methodology.

Participants will also be able to remain engaged in by joining project management forums, mentoring programs and accessing blogs

after this training, as part of the ongoing support  for the application of the UNE project management methodology in the workplace.

This course Introduction to Project Management: A process-driven approach is suitable for any Academic or Professional staff who

are managing or soon will be managing delivery of small to medium sized project.


Venue:                 OD Training Room, Top Floor Lamble Building

Time:                     9.00am to 4:30pm

Cost:                      $65 ( covers manual and catering)

Catering:              lunch, morning and afternoon tea provided



Nominations for the program can be made via Web Kiosk.