

The ability to self-manage and maintain a high level of resilience is imperative to our professional success, health and well-being. Research has shown that resilience is “the single most important factor in determining whether a person is successful, satisfied and happy” (Shatt, 2008, The Resilience Factor).

This program explores approaches to supporting resilience through both a neuroscience andpositive psychology approach.

Positive Psychology is the scientific study of optimum human functioning. Its principles are beingutilised by individuals and organisations alike.

This course will provide you with the ability to identify characteristics of resilient people, as well aspractical tools and techniques you can implement to help you take control, increase your resilienceand minimise stress.


Program Outline

At a high level, the course will cover the following:

  1. Resilience– what is it and its importance
  1. TheScience behind Stress – why it matters
  1. Emotions– managing the negative and cultivating the positive
  1. Whatdoes Positive Psychology Offer – The Evidence, The Benefits
  2. Strategiesto build resilience
  1. Buildinga Resilience Development Plan



Date:                   One day course offered on two days 16th and 17th November 2015

Time:                  8:30 am – 4.00 pm

Facilitator:         Silvia De Ridder ( Unconscious Potential)

Cost:                   $100  (fee partially funded by Employer’s Mutual),  (Inc. course materials, morning/afternoon tea & lunch)

Venue:                OD Training Room, Top Floor, Lamble Building

Register:            Web Kiosk