An art exhibition is the latest addition to the local and global events leading up to the international climate change talks in Paris later this year. The exhibition is titled ‘Global Warning’ and will feature mixed media artworks by Marty Branagan based on environmental themes, especially climate change, which he has been researching since 1984. The exhibition is an event of the Australia-New Zealand Society for Ecological Economics 2015 Conference, Thriving Through Transformation – Local to Global Sustainability. It is also in partnership with EcoArts Australis and the Armidale Tree Group, and is associated with Sustainable Living Armidale’s ‘Armidale Road To Paris’ campaign.

Dr Branagan has previously held three solo exhibitions at NERAM, and been a finalist in the Outback Art Prize, the Country Energy Landscape Art Prize and the satirical Bald Archies (which toured Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide and regional centres). He has been acquired by the Northern Territory Art Award, and has been involved in many of Armidale’s murals.The exhibition may also feature a late addition of a sculpture by renowned local sculptor and writer Tony Sevil.

The exhibition is at the Woodlands Centre (home of the Armidale Tree Group, 80 Mann St, Armidale). The opening is on Friday 23 October at 7pm, and will feature live music from Dan Davies and Josh Biddle (from The Fat Ladies). Who ever imagined academia could be enjoyable?


For further information, please contact Marty Branagan on 67733951 or