One Day Workshop for supervisors (academic and professional) combining theory and practical exercises facilitated by Silvia de Ridder.
Conflict is the result of people having differing needs, opinions, and expectations. The reality of conflict is that in any human relationship it is inevitable. More importantly, if handled well, conflict provides a powerful avenue for significant growth. Hence developing good conflict resolution techniques is very important. Conflict resolution involves recognising and managing the particular conflict. This is an essential part of building emotional intelligence, and nurturing relationships.
This 1 day program provides techniques for supervisors in an organisation to be more skilled in resolving workplace conflict and building a common understanding and framework for working through challenging conflict situations.
Program Objectives
• Understand what conflict and effective conflict resolution means
• Have an awareness of and apply a model for the conflict resolution process
• Understand the five main styles of conflict resolution
• Be aware of how emotions impact on the ability to manage conflict effectively and how to better manage them – manage power plays and emotional games
• Be able to use key communication tools in the conflict resolution process
• Raise awareness of potential conflict and how to use the learned tools
Date: Monday 28th July 2015
Time: 8:30 am – 4.30 pm
Cost: $375 (inc. course materials, morning/afternoon tea and lunch)
Venue: OD Training Room, Top Floor, Lamble Building
Register: Web Kiosk
NB: This cost is based on min 10 participants, a reduction will be applied where total participant numbers exceed 10.