The Historical Background to Recent Events in Ukraine, with Alfons van der Kraan, Adjunct Senior Lecturer, UNE Business School

Friday, 21st November, 2014 from 6pm to 7:30pm

Kent House, 141 Faulkner Street

Community Dinner from 7:30pm

Fishing in very troubled waters, the US administration, in February 2014, succeeded in engineering a coup in Kiev which overthrew the democratically elected, Russia-oriented government of Victor Yanukovich, triggering a civil war in Ukraine which is ongoing.

In this talk, Alfons van der Kraan will provide some historical background to these tragic events. Among other things, he will focus attention on the revolution and civil war of 1917-21; and on Ukraine during the 1930s and WWII. Even though Alfons is well aware that the future is unknowable, he nonetheless will conclude his talk by offering some considered opinions on the likely course of events in the immediate future, examining the roles in these events of the United States, the European Union and the Russian Federation. He hopes that these opinions will stimulate debate among the participants in the discussion.

Friday Politics is an initiative of March Armidale, a group of local people working together for an Australia where education, healthcare and social support are accessible to all, where our shared natural environment is protected and conserved for the future, and where social justice and human rights are respected.

The group is part of March Australia, a grassroots people’s movement which now comprises more than 40 regional groups.  All are invited to attend March Armidale meetings which are held on the second Wednesday of each month at The Imperial Hotel, Armidale at 6pm.

Donations welcome to cover the room hire