Humanities & Oorala Joint Research Seminar

9.30-10.30am Friday 31st October 2014 in Oorala lecture theatre (note venue)  Janet Hunt ‘Closing the Gap for Indigenous Australians? Lessons from international development’  The seminar will reflect on recent Aboriginal policy in Australia & assess where, from...

Digging up Roman Scotland

Bernie Allen, a third-year UNE Ancient History student, who participated in May 2014 in an archaeological dig at Sheriffside, Scotland, as part of the ‘Rampart Scotland’ project, will present a public lecture on Thursday 30 October. Discovered in 1981,...

Spring Graduation

Spring graduation ceremonies will take place this week, with approximately 600 students attending over the two days. Graduands from the Professions will receive their awards on Friday, while graduands from Arts and Science will receive theirs on Saturday. Friday’s...


I’m participating in my 6th Movember campaign this year to change the face of men’s health – and I want you to join me on the UNE team: UNE hasn’t had a great presence in the past Movember campaigns and we want...

Humanities Research Seminar

Humanities Research Seminar 9.30-10.30am Friday 24th October 2014 in A3 Lloyd Weeks ‘The quest for the copper mountain of Magan: How metallurgy shaped Arabia and set the horizons of the Bronze Age world’  More than 4000 years before petroleum re-configured Arabia's...

3MT Thesis Competition Videos

The videos of UNE 3MT finals that were held on the 11 of September are now available.   To view the presenters' 3 minute explanation of the research, please click on the following links. Dr Philip Thomas, Research Services Directorate 3MT Final David Macky: How to...